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Imagem por Rhiannon Hople |
Badakhshan é o título do mais recente disco da banda australiana Hashshashin, e é também uma região fronteiriça entre o Tajiquistão e Afeganistão que serviu de mote e inspiração para o disco. A música é uma das artes mais predominantes nessa região, especialmente a música folk tradicional com o uso de instrumentos tradicionais como o rubab da região de Pamiri, uma versão de alaúde de seis cordas de nylon que tem um som bastante distinto e é capaz de produzir ritmos prolongados, sendo ideal para recitais de poesia.
Hashshashin é uma banda que não se conforma nem se cinge a influências fáceis ou limitativas, criam um som que é uma fusão progressiva do tradicional e do moderno. Recriam influências de música tradicional do médio-oriente num pano de fundo psicadélico e exploratório.
Apesar dos vários e diferentes sistemas de crenças, a música criada por Hashshashin induz quem a ouve num transe que para muitos pode ser místico ou transcendental. Uma viagem sónica por regiões que fisicamente talvez nunca visitámos, mas que nos surgem na imaginação enquanto ouvimos os 7 temas de Badakshan.
Perguntámos a esta banda aventureira as suas referências para 6 livros, 6 discos, 6 filmes/séries e aqui estão:
- Evan: House Of Leaves, Mark Z.Danielewski
- Evan: Chasing The Scream, Johann Hari
- Cam: Requiem For Homosapiens (series), David Zindell
- Cam: The Expanse (series), James S.A. Corey
- Lachlan: The Return, Hisham Matar
- Lachlan: The Unbearable Lightness Of Being, Milan Kundera
- Evan: House Of Leaves, Mark Z.Danielewski
- Evan: Chasing The Scream, Johann Hari
- Cam: Requiem For Homosapiens (series), David Zindell
- Cam: The Expanse (series), James S.A. Corey
- Lachlan: The Return, Hisham Matar
- Lachlan: The Unbearable Lightness Of Being, Milan Kundera
- Evan: Mr.Bungle, Mr Bungle
- Evan: Fleet Foxes, Fleet Foxes
- Cam: Quebec, Ween
- Cam: Eye Of Every storm, Neurosis
- Lachlan: Mockroom, Tigran Hamasyan
- Lachlan: good kid, m.A.A.d city, Kendrick Lamar
- Evan: Mr.Bungle, Mr Bungle
- Evan: Fleet Foxes, Fleet Foxes
- Cam: Quebec, Ween
- Cam: Eye Of Every storm, Neurosis
- Lachlan: Mockroom, Tigran Hamasyan
- Lachlan: good kid, m.A.A.d city, Kendrick Lamar
- Evan: Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Michel Gondry
- Evan: Moon, Duncan Jones
- Cam: Starship Troopers, Paul Verhoeven
- Cam: Fight Club, David Fincher
- Lachlan: Far From Men, David Oelhoffen
- Lachlan: The Salesman, Asghar Farhadi
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Image by Rhiannon Hopley |
Badakshan is the latest record by the Australian band, Hashshahin and it’s also a frontier region between Tajikistan and Afghanistan that served as inspiration for the album. Music is one of the main characteristics of that region, especially the traditional folk music played by traditional instruments such as the pamiri rubab, a six-string lute that has a very distinctive sound and is capable of producing drone-like rhythms which are ideal for reciting poetry.
Hashshashin is a band that does not conform or stick to easy and restrictive influences, creating a sound that is a fusion of the traditional and the modern. Recreating strong influences from middle eastern music in a background that is highly psychedelic and exploratory.
Despite the varied and different belief systems, the music created by Hashshashin induces the listener in a trance that for some can be quite mystical and transcendental. A sonic voyage by regions perhaps we never physically visited but that arise in our imagination while we listen to the 7 themes on Badakshan.
We asked this adventurous band their references for 6 books, 6 records, 6 films/TV shows and here they are:
- Evan: House Of Leaves, Mark Z.Danielewski
- Evan: Chasing The Scream, Johann Hari
- Cam: Requiem For Homosapiens (series), David Zindell
- Cam: The Expanse (series), James S.A. Corey
- Lachlan: The Return, Hisham Matar
- Lachlan: The Unbearable Lightness Of Being, Milan Kundera
- Evan: House Of Leaves, Mark Z.Danielewski
- Evan: Chasing The Scream, Johann Hari
- Cam: Requiem For Homosapiens (series), David Zindell
- Cam: The Expanse (series), James S.A. Corey
- Lachlan: The Return, Hisham Matar
- Lachlan: The Unbearable Lightness Of Being, Milan Kundera
- Evan: Mr.Bungle, Mr Bungle
- Evan: Fleet Foxes, Fleet Foxes
- Cam: Quebec, Ween
- Cam: Eye Of Every storm, Neurosis
- Lachlan: Mockroom, Tigran Hamasyan
- Lachlan: good kid, m.A.A.d city, Kendrick Lamar
Films/TV Shows:
- Evan: Mr.Bungle, Mr Bungle
- Evan: Fleet Foxes, Fleet Foxes
- Cam: Quebec, Ween
- Cam: Eye Of Every storm, Neurosis
- Lachlan: Mockroom, Tigran Hamasyan
- Lachlan: good kid, m.A.A.d city, Kendrick Lamar
Films/TV Shows:
- Evan: Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Michel Gondry
- Evan: Moon, Duncan Jones
- Cam: Starship Troopers, Paul Verhoeven
- Cam: Fight Club, David Fincher
- Lachlan: Far From Men, David Oelhoffen
- Lachlan: The Salesman, Asghar Farhadi
- Evan: Moon, Duncan Jones
- Cam: Starship Troopers, Paul Verhoeven
- Cam: Fight Club, David Fincher
- Lachlan: Far From Men, David Oelhoffen
- Lachlan: The Salesman, Asghar Farhadi
Texto | Text: Cláudia Zafre
Escolhas | Choices: Hashshashin (Evan McGregor, Lachlan R. Dale, Cameron Macdonald)