A cena musical de Canterbury emergiu na cidade com o mesmo nome durante o final da década de 60. Como sonoridade apoiava-se fortemente na união do rock com o jazz, o jazz de fusão e elementos fortes de rock psicadélico. Canterbury destacou-se por ser o berço de miríade de músicos, envoltos também em movimentos de contra-cultura que se tornaram populares durante os anos 60.
A cena acabou por influenciar inúmeras bandas e músicos durante as décadas seguintes. Um dos exemplos mais recentes é a banda Zopp. Um dueto formado em UK por Ryan Stevenson e Andrea Moneta.
A banda incorpora no seu som reminiscente de Canterbury elementos de rock progressivo, electrónica e até algum hard-rock. O seu disco de estreia homónimo foi editado em Abril deste ano e é uma imersão pelos vários cenários da música progressiva. Passagens serenas intercalam-se com algumas mais tempestuosas em 9 temas tecnicistas e extremamente melódicos.
Ryan Stevenson toca vários tipos de sintetizadores e teclados, assim como guitarras eléctricas, baixo e voz. Perguntámos-lhe as suas referências mais imediatas para 5 livros, 5 discos e 5 filmes/séries e aqui estão:
- Down and Out in Paris and London, George Orwell
- Crime and Punishment, Fyodor Dostoevsky
- Growth of the Soil, Knut Hamsun
- Brave New World, Aldous Huxley
- Storm of Steel, Ernst Jünger
- Crime and Punishment, Fyodor Dostoevsky
- Growth of the Soil, Knut Hamsun
- Brave New World, Aldous Huxley
- Storm of Steel, Ernst Jünger
(Estão sempre a mudar)
- The Polite Force, Egg
- Insurgentes, Steven Wilson
- Ghost Reveries, Opeth
- From Within, Anekdoten
- One Armed Bandit, Jaga Jazzist
- True Detective (Season 2), Nic Pizzolatto
- Wallander, Henning Mankell
- Bait, Mark Jenkin
- Fahrenheit 451, François Truffaut
- Nosferatu, F.W. Murnau

The Canterbury scene was born in the city with the same name at the end of the 60’s. Its sound relied upon the union of rock with jazz, fusion jazz, and strong elements of psychedelic rock. Canterbury was the musical birthplace of several artists, that were also part of counter-cultural movements popular during the 60’s.
The scene ended up influencing several bands and musicians in the following decades. One of the more recent examples is the band called Zopp. A duet formed in the UK by Ryan Stevenson and Andrea Moneta.
The band incorporates in its sound reminiscences of Canterbury, elements of progressive rock, electronic and even some hard rock. Its debut album also titled Zopp was released in April of this year and its an immersion through the various scenarios in progressive music. Serene passages are mixed with some that are more tempestuous in 9 themes that are highly technical but melodic.
Ryan Stevenson plays different types of synths and keyboards, electric guitars, bass and voice. We asked his immediate references for 5 books, 5 records, 5 films/TV shows and here they are:
- Down and Out in Paris and London, George Orwell
- Crime and Punishment, Fyodor Dostoevsky
- Growth of the Soil, Knut Hamsun
- Brave New World, Aldous Huxley
- Storm of Steel, Ernst Jünger
- Down and Out in Paris and London, George Orwell
- Crime and Punishment, Fyodor Dostoevsky
- Growth of the Soil, Knut Hamsun
- Brave New World, Aldous Huxley
- Storm of Steel, Ernst Jünger
(This changes all the time.)
- The Polite Force, Egg
- Insurgentes, Steven Wilson
- Ghost Reveries, Opeth
- From Within, Anekdoten
- One Armed Bandit, Jaga Jazzist
Films/TV Shows:
- True Detective (Season 2), Nic Pizzolatto
- Wallander, Henning Mankell
- Bait, Mark Jenkin
- Fahrenheit 451, François Truffaut
- Nosferatu, F.W. Murnau
Texto | Text: Cláudia Zafre
Escolhas | Choices: Ryan Stevenson (Zopp)