Género: alternativo, experimental, indie rock, noise, math rock
Even though 2020 is filled with sad stories, it's also a year that does not waiver, and Heisa also present themselves with confidence on top of an open box truck, they may tremble but don't fall.
Álbum: joni
Data de Lançamento: 15.05.2020
Editora: Mayway Records
Heisa Bandcamp
2020 não será um ano para esquecer. 12 meses regidos por um relógio gigante que foi marcando segundos fora de tempo. O contágio pelo novo coronavírus SARS-COV-2 impediu uma grande maioria de viajar e bloqueou o possível encontro com familiares e amigos. Desregulou todo o sistema e rotinas quase automatizadas que se tinham por garantidas. Porém, graças ao acesso à cultura digital, e ao entretenimento distribuído pelas várias plataformas, o confinamento aligeirou um pouco o peso que ainda se faz sentir. Para os que precisaram da criatividade para acalmar parte do stress cada vez mais latente, pôde encontrar neste pausa o momento para produzir.
Data de Lançamento: 15.05.2020
Editora: Mayway Records
Heisa Bandcamp
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© Heisa |
Não é a primeira vez que fazemos referência a Heisa - a banda belga com capacidade para causar espasmos performáticos a quem a ouve. Misturam a cadência progressiva de Tool com as brincadeiras electrónicas de Battles, o indie experimental e serpenteante de Jacques Nomdefamille, amparado nas guitarras atmosféricas e reverberadas de Koen Castermans e na batida determinada de Jonathan Frederix. O trio cria o microclima idílico para os seres vivos crescerem num habitat perto do perfeito.
Não há outro ambiente propício para 2020 sem esta banda-sonora que inicia joni com Let Go, com linhas a remeter para os ingleses beak>. Concordamos com Heisa: continuar a olhar para o futuro com optimismo é a direcção a seguir, caso contrário, tudo descamba.
joni tem temas que agitam, outros que libertam em suspensão. Serenity Now transita, grosso modo, entre dois movimentos de guitarras mais ambientais e cheias que transportam para Billy Howerdel a brincadeiras mais frenéticas ao género Daron Malakian. São perceptíveis as influências musicais de Jacques que deve - seguramente - ter passado muito tempo a ouvir Maynard James Keenan e Thom Yorke, uma espécie de siamês vocal que brinca com o lado ritmado de Maynard e com a doçura melodiosa de Yorke. Break leva a baladas de Mars Volta (entenda-se baladas de Mars Volta uma sequência a muito gás), a guitarra fluída anda de mãos dadas com a voz ao longo do tema que não quebranta.
For Ours partilha o mesmo antepassado com Tool, o ritmo das notas mais graves da guitarra serve de plataforma para a bateria, a voz, apesar de seguir a cadência Keeniana, é mais grave e rouca. É impossível não fazer referência à banda californiana quando a estrutura bebe dessa fonte. Keep It é, quanto a mim, o momento alto do álbum. Uma plena atmosfera à Warpaint misturada com rufares Mars Volta, há definitivamente um assumir de Heisa aqui, um ultrapassar de fronteiras que confirma a identidade da banda, desorientada mas cativante, infantil mas madura, construída porém caótica.
Apesar da energia e identidade cada vez mais assumidas ao longo de joni, Detach Mend homenageia Tool: Adam Jones, Maynard James Keenan, Danny e Justin, toda a estrutura segue o que a banda nos acostumou, ao fim e ao cabo é um statement.
O trio forja dez temas que variam de surpresa e encantamento a castigo. No esqueleto de joni estão variação de ritmos, atmosferas e teclados preenchido por um trabalho meticuloso com guitarras pujantes e ondas de distorção. Segundo os registos, os belgas não deixam quem os vê indiferentes, deixam um rasto de destruição; os concertos são emocionantes, surpreendentes, levemente teatrais, exploram as fronteiras do humanamente suportável. O público fica facilmente rendido. Apesar da fase de confinamento, que começa a soltar-se paulatinamente, os Heisa também são forçados a adiar os concertos que tinham marcados, um deles no afamado festival ArcTanGent em Bristol, Reino Unido, onde este ano compartilhariam palco com artistas como Chelsea Wolfe, Swans e Amenra.
Let Go, o primeiro single de joni, recebeu críticas elogiosas e foi escolhido pela rádio Studio Brussel / Eigen Kweek e pela estação indie Pinguin Radio.
Let Go, o primeiro single de joni, recebeu críticas elogiosas e foi escolhido pela rádio Studio Brussel / Eigen Kweek e pela estação indie Pinguin Radio.
Embora 2020 esteja a ser assinalado com histórias infelizes, é também um ano em que não devemos entregar-nos à desistência, também estes Heisa - que se apresentam seguros em cima da caixa aberta da carrinha -, podem estremecer mas não se deixam cair.
Genre: alternative, experimental, indie rock, noise, math rock
Record: joni
Release: May 15th
Label: Mayway Records
2020 won't be a year we will easily forget. 12 months set by a giant clock that marked seconds out of time. The contagion by the new coronavirus SARS-COV-2 has forbidden many people to travel and blocked the reunion between family and friends. It disrupted all the systems and routines that were taken for granted and almost automatized. However, due to digital access to culture, and entertainment through several platforms, the confinement was made lighter. For those who need creativity to drain some of the latent stress, this pause was what they needed in order to produce.
It is not the first time we mention Heisa - the belgium band with the ability to cause performatic spasms to those who listen to it. They mix the progressive cadence of Tool with the electronic jiggling by Battles, the experimental and serpentine indie of Jacques Nomdefamille aligned to the atmospheric and reverberant guitars of Koen Castermans and the beats produced by Jonathan Frederix. The trio creates the perfect micro-climate for living beings to stay in an almost perfect habitat.
There is no other perfect environment for 2020 but Let Go the theme that starts joni, with lines that can make us recall the english band beak>. We agree with Heisa that keep looking into the future with optimism and that's the way to go, otherwise everything will crumble.
joni has songs that makes us shake, others that liberate by suspension. Serenity Now moves between two movements of guitars, ones that are more ambiental and full that transport us to Billy Howerdel to some frantic fooling around like Daron Malakian. The musical influences of Jacques are fully shown - surely he must have spent a great amount of time listening to Maynard James Keenan and Thom Yorke, a sort of vocal siamese that plays with the rhythmic side of Maynard and the melodic sweetness of Yorke. Break takes us to Mars Volta ballads (by ballads we mean high speed sequences at the style of Mars Volta), the loose and fluid guitar closely follows the vocals that do not break all along the song.
For Ours shares the same ancestry with Tool, the rhythm of the bass-like notes of the guitar serves as platform for the drums, the voice, even though following the Keenan cadence, is more bass-like and husky. It's impossible not the mention the californian band when the structure is deeply inspired by it. Keep it, is a song that to me, is the highlight of the album. A Warpaint inspired atmosphere mixed with Mars Volta frills, there is definitely a statement by Heisa here, a crossing of borders that attests to the identity of the band, disoriented but captivating, childish yet mature, constructed but at the same time chaotic.
Even though the energy and identity that are assumed along joni, Detach Mend pays tribute to Tool: Adam Jones, Maynard James Keenan, Danny and Justin, the structure follows what the band has made us use to, so that makes it a statement.
The trio creates ten songs that go from surprise and enchantment to punishment. In joni's skeleton there are rhythms variations, atmospheres and keyboards filled by a meticulous work of strong guitars and waves of distortion. According to sources, the belgians do not leave their audiences feeling indifferent, they leave a trail of destructions, the concerts are emotional, surprising, vaguely theatrical, and explore the barriers of what is humanely bearable. Those who seem them live surrender. Despite the confinement phase that begins to slowly loosen up, Heisa are also forced to cancel concerts, one of them, in the popular festival ArcTangent in Bristol (UK), where this year they would share the stage with musicians like Chelsea Wolfe, Swans and Amenra.
Let Go, the first single in joni, has received good criticism and was chosen by the radio Studio Brussel / Eigen Kweek and by the indie station Pinguin Radio.
- Translation -
Genre: alternative, experimental, indie rock, noise, math rock
Record: joni
Release: May 15th
Label: Mayway Records
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© Heisa |
It is not the first time we mention Heisa - the belgium band with the ability to cause performatic spasms to those who listen to it. They mix the progressive cadence of Tool with the electronic jiggling by Battles, the experimental and serpentine indie of Jacques Nomdefamille aligned to the atmospheric and reverberant guitars of Koen Castermans and the beats produced by Jonathan Frederix. The trio creates the perfect micro-climate for living beings to stay in an almost perfect habitat.
There is no other perfect environment for 2020 but Let Go the theme that starts joni, with lines that can make us recall the english band beak>. We agree with Heisa that keep looking into the future with optimism and that's the way to go, otherwise everything will crumble.
joni has songs that makes us shake, others that liberate by suspension. Serenity Now moves between two movements of guitars, ones that are more ambiental and full that transport us to Billy Howerdel to some frantic fooling around like Daron Malakian. The musical influences of Jacques are fully shown - surely he must have spent a great amount of time listening to Maynard James Keenan and Thom Yorke, a sort of vocal siamese that plays with the rhythmic side of Maynard and the melodic sweetness of Yorke. Break takes us to Mars Volta ballads (by ballads we mean high speed sequences at the style of Mars Volta), the loose and fluid guitar closely follows the vocals that do not break all along the song.
For Ours shares the same ancestry with Tool, the rhythm of the bass-like notes of the guitar serves as platform for the drums, the voice, even though following the Keenan cadence, is more bass-like and husky. It's impossible not the mention the californian band when the structure is deeply inspired by it. Keep it, is a song that to me, is the highlight of the album. A Warpaint inspired atmosphere mixed with Mars Volta frills, there is definitely a statement by Heisa here, a crossing of borders that attests to the identity of the band, disoriented but captivating, childish yet mature, constructed but at the same time chaotic.
Even though the energy and identity that are assumed along joni, Detach Mend pays tribute to Tool: Adam Jones, Maynard James Keenan, Danny and Justin, the structure follows what the band has made us use to, so that makes it a statement.
The trio creates ten songs that go from surprise and enchantment to punishment. In joni's skeleton there are rhythms variations, atmospheres and keyboards filled by a meticulous work of strong guitars and waves of distortion. According to sources, the belgians do not leave their audiences feeling indifferent, they leave a trail of destructions, the concerts are emotional, surprising, vaguely theatrical, and explore the barriers of what is humanely bearable. Those who seem them live surrender. Despite the confinement phase that begins to slowly loosen up, Heisa are also forced to cancel concerts, one of them, in the popular festival ArcTangent in Bristol (UK), where this year they would share the stage with musicians like Chelsea Wolfe, Swans and Amenra.
Let Go, the first single in joni, has received good criticism and was chosen by the radio Studio Brussel / Eigen Kweek and by the indie station Pinguin Radio.
Even though 2020 is filled with sad stories, it's also a year that does not waiver, and Heisa also present themselves with confidence on top of an open box truck, they may tremble but don't fall.
Texto | Text: Priscilla Fontoura
Tradução | Translation: Cláudia Zafre